Pando and TriplePoint Turn ‘Net Numbers Into News

One of the most daunting and exciting tasks in media relations is having data dropped on your doorstep. While on one hand it’s a treasure trove of thousands of datapoints, it’s also a treasure trove of thousands of data points. 

Intensity map: National Download Rates

In this case, Pando Networks, a provider of content delivery solutions for popular free-to-play games such as Riot GamesLeague of Legends and Turbine‘s Lord Of The Rings Online worked with TriplePoint to synthesize download speeds and completion rates (how many downloads were completed) into a story to tell the press.

The challenge was simple – how do you take a bunch of numbers and turn it into a narrative?

The story turned out to be one focusing on the disparity in connection speeds across the USA. TriplePoint worked with Pando to understand the data and tell the story to the media – both the technology press who would understand the implications of broadband connectivity across the US, and a games press that understands readers are consistently being made to download 5 or 10 gigabyte games. Creating more than simply a release and calling down, TriplePoint created interactive intensity maps using Google Fusion Tables to visualize millions of datapoints in a second.

To say the story was a success is an understatement. A games press thoroughly entrenched in digital downloads appreciated the commentary on an issue that many users understood – notably Kotaku,  Gamasutra, IndustryGamers, Joystiq, and ZAM. The business and technology press understood the significance too – including BetaNews, Forbes, Gizmodo, NPR Marketplace Tech Report and TechCrunch to name a few.

Better yet, this is just the beginning. Pando, after all, is a global company…